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Thread: Trouble accessing the forum

  1. #1

    Trouble accessing the forum

    I've been relatively absent from this forum for weeks if not months purely because I haven't been able to access it. Many times I simply can't get the forum to open on my laptop, other times I can see less than half a dozen posts and can't log in. Today is the first time for an age that I've been able to post and even then, I keep having to return to the same page or post a few times to get it to work.

    Anyone else having problems?

  2. #2
    The Forum is mostly unusable. It's a server problem, and really needs to be fixed.

    The Forum has some real good history, such as two special watch designs, so we can't loose it.

  3. #3
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    The Forum is mostly unusable. It's a server problem, and really needs to be fixed.

    The Forum has some real good history, such as two special watch designs, so we can't loose it.
    I totally agree - Bremont know about the problem, fix it, and it crops back up. Sadly neither myself nor Jeremy can/know enough about it to solve the problem ourselves.

    The forum is a real, real, treasure trove of Bremont information - it would be a huge shame for it to fall by the wayside.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Bounce's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by RedsBluesGreens View Post
    I totally agree - Bremont know about the problem, fix it, and it crops back up. Sadly neither myself nor Jeremy can/know enough about it to solve the problem ourselves.

    The forum is a real, real, treasure trove of Bremont information - it would be a huge shame for it to fall by the wayside.
    I couldn't agree more, some fantastic info & great members.

  5. #5
    Why don't we ALL email Bremont and ask them to fix it.

    I could offer a solution, and it would have to be agreed upon.

    The downside it would require a new domain name, which I guess is unlikely - such as

    EDIT: Well at the moment it does appear to be working well.
    Last edited by Nomad; 02-12-2023 at 07:26 PM.

  6. #6
    Is the Forum now defunct - I see no new posts. Very sad indeed - it's a quick fix to sort it out if we were allowed.

  7. #7
    BUMP, why no new posts. This was and is a far better resource than Facebook or Instagram.

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