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Thread: Bremont x Bamford

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    I know nothing of Bamford. Can someone briefly explain the relationship. I know it's not JCB....
    You can find most of what you need to know simply by searching for Bamford watches or George Bamford online. That's what I did as I didn't know anything about Bamford either. The short version is that George Bamford is the grandson of the JCB founder, likes watches and enjoys modifying them especially with a black theme. He started with Rolex and has moved on to others including his own range. I think that the only relationship between Bamford and Bremont is through this watch. I imagine that Bremont liked the idea of a Bamford custom version and as they're both British companies it was quite fitting.

    Having seen more pictures of this watch online it seems to be a brilliant design but it's also very polarising. There seems very few 'maybe's', almost all 'love it' or 'hate it'.

    What has surprised me is the take up of this watch. In just a week, every piece has been sold. I can't fathom if that's because Bremonts customer base is increasing dramatically or whether there are just so many people who really like the design. Either way, it's been a success.

  2. #22
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
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    Bremont x Bamford

    Quote Originally Posted by theancientmariner View Post

    What has surprised me is the take up of this watch. In just a week, every piece has been sold. I can't fathom if that's because Bremonts customer base is increasing dramatically or whether there are just so many people who really like the design. Either way, it's been a success.
    It has really surprised me, I don’t think we’ve seen such success since the early days of the Bremont LE’s. That said, the very sensible run of 250 no doubt helps..

    I’ll be very curious to see what happens on the secondary market with these in short order - what do we think?

    EDITED TO ADD: there’s one on eBay already, for £5000 as an auction.
    Last edited by RedsBluesGreens; 04-30-2022 at 01:25 PM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Bounce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedsBluesGreens View Post
    It has really surprised me, I don’t think we’ve seen such success since the early days of the Bremont LE’s. That said, the very sensible run of 250 no doubt helps..

    I’ll be very curious to see what happens on the secondary market with these in short order - what do we think?

    EDITED TO ADD: there’s one on eBay already, for £5000 as an auction.
    I would like to think with such a small number available the price will remain high, lets hope so anyway.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by RedsBluesGreens View Post
    EDITED TO ADD: there’s one on eBay already, for £5000 as an auction.
    I saw that. I really don't like the idea of flipping, stops those who really want a watch from getting a fair go. If it was up to me, I'd bar that owner from any further Bremont LE purchases.

    As for the secondary market, I don't think it will be any different from other popular Bremont LE's. There has been a surge in interest for this one, I still can't fathom the reason but the same (more or less) did happen with the Dambuster. May be this is a sign of things to come with Bremont LE's?

  5. #25
    I don't like the sound of that either.
    In fact I think flipping in that manner is immoral

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster View Post
    I don't like the sound of that either.
    In fact I think flipping in that manner is immoral
    LOL! so No.96 of the 250 has gone to someone who wants to make some money and has no liking for the watch or maybe the brand!

    I agree it is not correct but I cannot see how Bremont can control something like this happening and look at the re-sale prices of the Patek Philippe Aquanaut!

  7. #27
    Rolex/Tudor keep an eye on this sort of thing, or so they say.
    Tudor BB58's and Harrods were going on Ebay for stupid money and although the BB58 frenzy has died down, the Harrods hasn't.
    I hope No. 96's ambitions come unstuck.

  8. #28
    I've yet to sell any of my watches and only visit so many pubs so I can wear them all
    The only watch I've unloaded is a 1989 Tag Heuer 2000 professional that missus Lancaster purloined

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Farhad19620 View Post
    LOL! so No.96 of the 250 has gone to someone who wants to make some money and has no liking for the watch or maybe the brand!

    I agree it is not correct but I cannot see how Bremont can control something like this happening and look at the re-sale prices of the Patek Philippe Aquanaut!
    It's not necessarily something to control but it is something that in the digital age, any manufacturer can dissuade from happening. In Bremonts case they could simply blacklist the original purchaser so that they can't buy an LE watch direct from Bremont again. It won't stop them buying non-LE watches but they most likely wouldn't anyway and it won't stop them buying from an AD but with the speed at which this flipping seems to happen, buying from an AD might not be an option. Other manufacturers do try and dissuade flipping. One boutique I know won't allow multiple purchases of the same watch for instance.

    You can't really make a comparison to PP, Rolex or even AP. Their problem isn't with LE's, it's with overall supply and it's a problem of their own making in my opinion in which they've tried to control the market thereby increasing grey market prices of standard production models. With Bremont it's very easy to buy a standard production model and in many cases it's very easy to buy an LE, several are still available direct from Bremont. It's just this particular model that seems to have caused a stir.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster View Post
    I've yet to sell any of my watches and only visit so many pubs so I can wear them all
    The only watch I've unloaded is a 1989 Tag Heuer 2000 professional that missus Lancaster purloined

    there's nothing at all wrong with selling a watch, I'm like you in that I generally don't but some people do like change. My objection is to people who buy a watch with the sole intention of selling it on to make a profit and often these people are causing problems for genuine enthusiasts.

    I watched a documentary recently about serial buyers (not watches) who aim to buy stock of items that will have high demand (games consoles was one) and they use extremely sophisticated software to circumvent the controls that the likes of Sony and Microsoft put in place. The interviewer asked them if they thought that they were doing was morally wrong and most said that yes, they thought it was but justified it by saying that people didn't need to buy the products or that they were trying to make ends meet like everyone else and this was their way of doing so.

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