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Thread: Be interesting to see a list of ALL military watches produced

  1. #1

    Wink Be interesting to see a list of ALL military watches produced

    Will Bremont saturate the market?

    I'm amazed at the coverage of watches produced regarding military and civil outfits.

    These are the watches associated with my career:

    • HS Nimrod (don't own)
    • 216 Sqn military (organised and own x 2)
    • Dragonair 747 (began, unfortunately Dragonair would not share their intellectual property - logo design - thus abandoned)
    • Boeing 747 (resurrected via a Cathay pilot - own).
    • Dragonair watch (helped with design and want to own)
    • RAF FE watch (assisted with and own)

    All I need is a Vrgin Atlantic offering and my career is covered by watches.

  2. #2

    They do offer a Virgin Atlantic watch, for all current or former pilots and flight engineers.

  3. #3
    There you go.

    Still plenty available.

    Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    United Kingdom
    Here’s a picture from the HQ visit - just a few of the units/people who have had Special Projects made. Ranging from 20 watches or less right through to almost 1000 watches..

  5. #5
    Thats a cool picture of the special Projects board!!!

    Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    The one 9 over, 3 up looks like Fighter Weapons School

  7. #7
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by awildermode View Post
    The one 9 over, 3 up looks like Fighter Weapons School
    You'd be correct. Amongst others, they (a few years ago) made an MBIII for the Instructors at the school - literally the 'best of the best.' Very cool!

  8. #8
    Thanks for enlightening us.

    Also, I didn't realise there was a Virgin watch. Like it.

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