Poll: Where did you purchase your Bremont?

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Thread: Where did you purchase your Bremont?

  1. #71
    My S300 was bought from Banks Lyon and the Alt1-p2 Lancaster was a military direct purchase.
    I'll be getting the Sotek Broadsword in a few weeks and will probably go back to Banks Lyon.
    I WhatsApped the aforementioned Aziza yesterday although I dealt with Ruby last time.
    I'd definitely reccomend this dealer and it was on this site that I first heard of them.

  2. #72
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster View Post
    My S300 was bought from Banks Lyon and the Alt1-p2 Lancaster was a military direct purchase.
    I'll be getting the Sotek Broadsword in a few weeks and will probably go back to Banks Lyon.
    I WhatsApped the aforementioned Aziza yesterday although I dealt with Ruby last time.
    I'd definitely reccomend this dealer and it was on this site that I first heard of them.
    Banks Lyon is superb - I have only heard good things, and met a lot of the team at one of the AD days I was invited to a while back.

    Do show us some photos of your Sotek Broadsword when it arrives, I’d love to see it.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by RedsBluesGreens View Post
    Banks Lyon is superb - I have only heard good things, and met a lot of the team at one of the AD days I was invited to a while back.

    Do show us some photos of your Sotek Broadsword when it arrives, I’d love to see it.
    Cheers, I will do.I've yet to have a bad experience at an AD's to be fair

  4. #74
    Senior Member Bounce's Avatar
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    Jun 2020
    As Larry knows my S500 came from Banks Lyon, highly recommended by me.

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