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Thread: photos

  1. #1

    Question photos

    Struggling to upload photos any advice please.

  2. #2
    Moderator RedsBluesGreens's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1 View Post
    Struggling to upload photos any advice please.
    I'd suggest uploading to somewhere like Photobucket before you try anything - saves hassle in the long run!

    Once you've done that, you need to get the IMG link from your uploaded picture on there and paste it into the 'Insert Image' option in the tool bar - which looks like this:

    And then, you'll get a box which looks like this:

    Just paste the IMG link in to the box, click 'OK' and that should be that - your picture should be uploaded. You may need to trim off the spare [IMG] tags, but you'll see what I mean when you upload your picture!

    Hope this helps..
    Last edited by RedsBluesGreens; 01-21-2015 at 09:07 PM. Reason: Clarity..

  3. #3
    Just keep getting [IMG]javascript:void('Insert Image')[/IMG] any ideas

    Thanks Simon

  4. #4
    Administrator jwalker9's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Atlanta, GA
    The photobucket way is the preferred way, but the EASIEST way may be to download 'tapatalk' on your mobile device, and to post photos through the app. It does all the work for you.

  5. #5
    Administrator jwalker9's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1 View Post
    Just keep getting [IMG]javascript:void('Insert Image')[/IMG] any ideas

    Thanks Simon
    Just go to your photobucket account, go to your picture, click on the link button, then click on the IMG code, copy it, and paste it directly into your message on the forum! Should work!

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