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Thread: ** Bremont SE - Last remaining watches **

  1. #21
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-F View Post
    I don't know where I fit, I never got the form... But I can confirm to you that I won't be dropping out.
    Don't worry G-F You're in! (I have emailed the form to you though ;-))

  2. #22
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    Agreed and well said Jon- some right pompous shite being written on here about this - !!

  3. #23
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jon View Post
    Maybe some people had very good reasons and decided to drop out sooner rather than later to give other people a chance. Perhaps they would still love to have one of these but decided that due to an unforseen change in circumstances decided that the sensible option was to pull out as feeding the kids was more important. Sorry rant over, nothing personal, just sometimes its not always black and white!
    I don't blame anyone for dropping out. The reservation system allows people to reserve a watch for a period of time with no commitment on having to pay for it. The next stage (collecting the order sheets for Bremont) is when people need to commit as the stage after that is a phone call from Bremont requesting money!

    I think the whole reservation system was a fair and (on me) easy system to manage and I always expected there to be some drop out... so really no hard feelings if people can't see it through! and lets face it... most of us already have one bremont at least already!

  4. #24
    Urufu, who rattled your cage? If you are referring to my post expressing sympathy for Piers to the extent that anyone had reserved a watch and then not followed through, some not having even replied to his follow up, then what would you call that sort of behaviour? Meets my definition of messing someone about. Luckily, it has not caused Piers too much of a problem - good. If you have different view, please go ahead and express it by all means, but it might be more compelling and in keeping with the nature of the forum if you avoided pointless abuse.
    Bremont P51 #123/250; Bremont MBII TWG #4/30; Alt1tude SE (No2) ...and one or two others....

  5. #25
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    A couple more dropping out last night, but a couple more reservations but no.2 is now available

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying B View Post
    Urufu, who rattled your cage? If you are referring to my post expressing sympathy for Piers to the extent that anyone had reserved a watch and then not followed through, some not having even replied to his follow up, then what would you call that sort of behaviour? Meets my definition of messing someone about. Luckily, it has not caused Piers too much of a problem - good. If you have different view, please go ahead and express it by all means, but it might be more compelling and in keeping with the nature of the forum if you avoided pointless abuse.

    What is it this week, everyone on PMT!
    Seems you haven't read the thread through properly (The Posts that I believe caused the hassle have since vanished) however I doubt your post was the one Jon initially referred too that Utufu acknowledged.
    However on the whole i find this internet abuse quite irritating and I have started to consider retracting my order of the watch. I don't think I want a watch that symbolises arrogance and I am fairly positive that Piers hasn't arranged for this watch to cause any friction within the Alt1tude community.
    Lets just put things in order and stop all these fractious messages.
    Last edited by Andyg156; 03-06-2013 at 08:31 AM. Reason: Just noticed some of the threads have disappeared

  7. #27
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    Yes guys, please don't argue over this! [ It's only a watch ]

    As I said before, it's usual for this to happen - especially if no payment is made.

    However a couple of people drop out, a couple more register... so no loss!

    However there are still 3 people who registered last Friday who haven't communicated with me on this... so unless I receive some form of communication in the next 24 hours I will remove their registrations to allow more people the opportunity to buy the watch... What's more important to me is the watch is available to people who want to buy it rather than holding for people who aren't communicating!

  8. #28
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    Currently 2 remaining watches (After some serial swapping!): #24 and #27

    Confirmed orders: 20

    Unconfirmed orders: 8 (Of these though I've communicated with and most are committed)

  9. #29
    Senior Member
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    Thanks for sitrep, I have noticed the number swapping, nearly on par with Bingo

  10. #30
    Senior Member Alt1tude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andyg156 View Post
    Thanks for sitrep, I have noticed the number swapping, nearly on par with Bingo
    Yep one lucky person got #2 this morning

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